According to a study done Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, more Americans are becoming overweight or obese, exercising less, and eating unhealthy foods; 63.1% of adults in the U.S. were either overweight or obese in 2009.
Obesity means having too much body fat. You are considered obese if your weight is more than 20% higher than the ideal weight for a male or female of their age and height.
Body mass index (BMI) uses height and weight measurements to estimate how much body fat a person has.
To calculate BMI, divide weight in kg by height in meters squared; for pounds and inches, divide weight by height squared and multiply the result by the conversion factor 703.

ii. Normal weight: BMI at the 5th and less than the 85th percentile
iii. Overweight: BMI at the 85th and below 95th percentiles
iv. Obese: BMI at or above 95th percentile
Can a Healthy Diet Save You Money?
Yes indeed;
i. Expensive healthcare costs - The USDA released a report a few years ago that states that the medical costs that come as a result of obesity related problems are about USD 10,000 higher than they are for those with a healthy weight.
ii. Higher Insurance premiums – Weight (BMI) is a big factor in calculating insurance premiums and the more fat you carry on your body, the more money it takes to cover you.
iii. Productivity – Healthier people are way more productive than obese people.
iv. Dress code – When you are eating fatty foods, your waist gets bigger and bigger everyday and you end up buying bigger clothes every now and then.
v. Psyche – Being healthy gives you confidence in approaching life vis-à-vis being fat which only makes you feel miserable
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